We aim to conduct our lives in a sustainable manner – to consciously live each day as stewards of God's gifts – both natural resources and our own individual resources


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Joys of worm bins

Who wouldn’t like a worm bin?  Here are our top five reasons...

1.       Utilizes food scraps that your backyard animals can’t eat or if you don’t have backyard animals yet.  Hint, hint…yet.
2.       Keeps it out of the waste stream (even if you still believe all yard waste becomes compost).
3.       You can feed them all those shredded bills that the city can’t “recycle”.
4.       Makes a dark rich compost byproduct that adds nutrients to the soil without chemicals.
5.       Come on…its worms.  Educational for your kids; hands on and just plain fun to play with.
6.       Who wouldn’t like a worm bin…are you dead inside?
Red Wiggler

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